Techgaby.com  is a very well known computer tips and tricks blog.  It shares all types computer tips and tricks, various registry tweaks, tricks, various productive applications and programs and each everything about computers and internet.
It also features important computer related news, events, web services, web tricks, Internet related tips and tricks. It has a large variety of useful articles which help make your life easier by helping you use your computer smartly.
About Me!
My name is SaF  and I live in the  (India). I have a huge passion for blogging and have also published several articles on websites.
More recently I have decided to share my knowledge and help other people to blog too. I have personally blogged for newbies to get them started and helping for grow up in blogging area.
If it has anything to do with Technology, blogging and WordPress – I love it!
The purpose of this site is to share with you some of the things I have learned myself over the years.
Hopefully I can help more people turn their hobbies into a full time income by blogging about it.
Enjoy Your Blogging!
(Author, Admin, Chief Editor)

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