Ulisess Seguridad v10.0.5 Rev5

Is a colletion of cracks/fixes released till date for NOD 32 Antivirus and ESET Smart Security (x86/x64).Works in Nod32 v2.x & ESS-EAV 3.0/4.x/5.x

Added updates:

* NodLogin 10.0.5R (x86/x64)
* LogANod 4.1a (x86)

Rest of programs:

* TNOD User & Password Finder 1.4.1 (x86/x64)
* MinodLogin (x86/x64)
* NOD32 Update Viewer 5.00 beta 4 (x86/x64)
* NodDownload 1.0 beta (x86/x64)
* Nod Key Basic 1.0 beta (x86/x64)
* NOD Generador 8.0.1 final (x86/x64)
* PassNOd32 v0.
* MinodServer (x86/x64)
* License Trial for 30 days (x86/x64)


ESET can detect MinodLogin, Nodlogin & Generador as a false virus.

Add into exclusions, the paths:

C:\Program Files\ESET\*.*
C:\Program Files\UlisesSoft\*.*
C:\Program Files\ESET\Ulisess Seguridad\*.*

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